It might appear to be prohibitive, however the protection costs are low, and it will regularly happen that your body is saved by different players LOLGA. In reality, you will frequently pass on in impossible spots confronting SCAV, and many better prepared players will regularly decide to disregard your gear, or will essentially recoup the connections of your weapons.
On the off chance that you play in a gathering, you can request that your partner toss the safeguarded gear in a peaceful corner, for example, brambles, to keep it from being plundered by different players EFT Items. Update 0.12 included administration of the refuge, in which you will spend a decent piece of the rubles and crap of different types recuperated in assault. It is pretty much like a sickening Facebook game from the most recent decade, however the intrigue is there, since your safehouse will eventually permit you to deliver an entire bundle of articles, as opposed to getting them from different players.