For its players, ACNH reflects the natural environment. Some real-life games, do not incorporate certain parts of life into their gameplay. This game, on the other hand, functions differently.
When players add a residence to their island in ACNH, it costs money, just like it does in the real world. Purchasing items and paying debts is an unavoidable aspect of life. Animal Crossing has also incorporated such monotonous activities.
To pay for things like a mortgage, players use Animal Crossing Bells instead of money. Tom Nook, an in-game character, is in charge of collecting the dues, making him somewhat of a villain in the game.
As a result, bells are required for ACNH gamers. A lack of bells can be problematic. It’s unclear what Tom Nook does to gamers who don’t pay up, but there are some fan suggestions. These theories are disconcerting to say the least.
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