Posted: 2023-02-14 17:52:13

On Groote Eylandt, off the NT's Arnhem Land coast, a fine dust coats the houses and cars.

It gets under fingernails and coats people's roofs.

For years, the black and brown dust has blown off the South32 Gemco manganese mine.

Locals who live and work on the island suspect the fine dust particles could be threatening their health, and they want answers.

Sylvia Tkac used to work at the South32 Gemco manganese mine. She also lived in the community of Angurugu.

"When you fly over the island, when you look at your community, all you can see is black dust on the roofs," she said.

"I went to clean my mother's house and the dust is so thick, people are using Gernis to clean their houses."

A mural of Groote Eylandt with a map and a bird on the side of a building as locals walk past.
Researchers have tested people on Groote Eylandt for manganese dust exposure for several years.(ABC News: Jane Bardon)

A few years ago, researchers at the University of Queensland tested Ms Tkac's hair and nails to see if there were traces of manganese in them.

The tests found what the local Aboriginal Land Council called "concerningly high" levels of heavy metals.

"I was quite shocked to see the results," she said.

She now lives in Darwin, but she is worried about her family members who are still living beside the mine.

"[South32] say they do monitor the dust, and they have equipment in the community to see how much is coming in, but we don't get told the results. Where does that information go?"

Two women with arms around each other, stare at camera.
Angela Wurramara and Sylvia Tkac (right) want the health impacts of the dust investigated.(ABC News: Jane Bardon)

Ms Tkac is calling on the Northern Territory government to investigate whether the dust is threatening the community's health.

"We are worried about the future of our children, so we'd like them to do more testing and we'd like to know what positive programs they can put in place to stop this dust," she said.

The test results revealed by the ABC in 2021, and community concerns about dust levels, prompted some action by the mining company South32.

The mining company helped pay to seal roads, changed its mining schedules and moved stockpiles, and said it was using watering trucks to reduce dust on its mine site.

But since then, the Health Department has not investigated the issue.

People on Groote Eylandt are calling for health testing by government authorities and more action to prevent dust.

Local man makes concerning discovery

Aerial photo of Groote Eylandt coast line.
Locals claim dust from the manganese mine is visible on cars and roofs from the air.(ABC News: Jane Bardon)

Most of the 3,000 people who live on Groote Eylandt are Indigenous.

The rest include mine workers, many of whom live in the mining port community of Alyangula.

Residents have long been aware of the threats posed by the dust they can see.

But David Nathan, who until last year worked as a linguist on the island, believes he may have discovered evidence of dangerous air pollution from particles called PM2.5, which are too small to see.

These PM2.5 particles are most commonly produced in Australia by traffic pollution, bushfire smoke and industrial emissions.

Sized 2.5 micrometres and smaller, they can penetrate deep into the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

In comparison, a human hair is about 70 micrometres in diameter.

In 2020, Mr Nathan began monitoring PM2.5 levels over Alyangula on a weather-forecasting and air-quality website called

Map of Groote showing particle reading
A reading over Groote on January 20, 2020.(Supplied:

"Having lived in Japan, I was quite aware of some of the air pollution issues that they face there, and I noticed on there were these very strong plumes of PM2.5 emanating from Groote," Mr Nathan said.

"And it is very intense. Some of the readings were well over 100 micrograms per cubic metre — up to eight times safe levels, either for a long period or repeated daily over a long period."

The Australian safety standard limit for PM2.5 is 25 micrograms.

Mr Nathan saw readings on over Groote Eylandt's port town of Alyangula of between 94 and 273 micrograms in January, February, March, September and October of 2020.

In December 2022, also showed readings of 56 and 75 for PM2.5 over Groote.

He is calling for an investigation into whether some of these high fine-particle readings could have been caused by the loading of particularly fine manganese dust called "fines" at the South32 port loading area at Alyangula.

"We observed these fine materials in the sheds being turned over, perhaps to dry them out," he said.

"That may be the source, these so-called fines being blown off a conveyor belt, but that would need to be investigated.

"I think it would be good if suitably qualified environmental science or medical people could liaise with to establish the credibility of the readings on their site which appear to show massive unsafe levels of PM2.5 over Groote."

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