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Posted: 2020-03-10 04:39:09

Updated March 10, 2020 21:53:55

The chances of fingernail samples from murdered lawyer Ciara Glennon becoming accidentally contaminated with accused serial killer Bradley Edwards's DNA were "extremely unlikely", a world renowned forensic expert has told the Claremont serial killings trial.

Key points:

  • Bradley Edwards is accused of murdering three women in Claremont
  • A sample of the accused's DNA was found under a victim's fingernails
  • A forensic scientist says it's "extremely unlikely" it was transferred in the lab

Jonathan Whitaker, a forensic scientist flown in from the UK to testify in the WA Supreme Court, said it was much more likely the former Telstra technician's DNA got under Ms Glennon's fingernails as she scratched him during a violent fight just before her death.

Dr Whitaker was part of the team at the Forensic Science Services (FSS) laboratory that made a critical breakthrough in the case in 2008 when they discovered male DNA on a combined sample from two of Ms Glennon's fingernails.

The male DNA profile was later matched to Edwards and it is the only DNA evidence directly linking him with the deaths.

Edwards, 51, is charged with the wilful murders of Ms Glennon, 27, Jane Rimmer, 23, and Sarah Spiers, 18, in 1996 and 1997. All three women disappeared late at night from Claremont, in Perth's western suburbs.

Edwards admits it is his DNA on the sample but disputes how it came to be there, with defence counsel Paul Yovich SC suggesting the fingernails could have become contaminated while they were being analysed at state pathology laboratory PathWest.

Expert disputes contamination theory

Edwards's DNA was already being held by PathWest, in the form of samples taken from a teenager he raped in Karrakatta Cemetery two years earlier, when Ms Glennon's fingernail samples came into the lab after the discovery of her body in April 1997.

The rape samples consisted of an intimate swab from the 17-year old victim containing both her DNA and Edwards's DNA , and a sperm cell fraction that had been extracted containing only Edwards's DNA.

Mr Yovich has suggested DNA from one of the two rape samples could have somehow been transferred to the fingernail samples while at PathWest.

But Dr Whitaker said the chances of the swab contaminating the fingernails were "almost negated" because Ms Glennon's fingernail sample would then have contained the 17-year-old's DNA as well as Edwards's.

"I can't accept that there would be a way for [the rape victim's] DNA to selectively disappear from that swab, and for you only to end up with Mr Edwards's DNA in the final result," he said.

The sperm cell fraction from the rape was examined 13 months before Ms Glennon's fingernails arrived at the PathWest laboratory in April 1997, and Dr Whitaker said the chances of it contaminating the nail samples was also "right down at the bottom end of the scale".

Dr Whitaker said for it to have contaminated the nail samples it would have had to have "invaded all our cleaning regimes", evaded detection in control samples, then avoided contaminating any other crime scene samples examined in the lab in the intervening time.

The chances of a sperm cell fraction contaminating the fingernails was also "right down at the bottom end of the scale", he said.

This was because the sperm cell fraction was frozen and the DNA would have to have survived being spilled out of its tube in the lab, dried out and crystallised, and still been detectable 13 months later, a scenario Dr Whitaker said was "implausible".

"That's an inordinately long length of time, in my mind," he said.

Violent altercation much more likely, court told

Asked what the chances were of that happening, Dr Whitaker said "I stress we can't say never", but it was "unreasonable" and "unlikely", involving a number of separate steps, each one of them "unlikely".

Dr Whitaker said these included Edwards's DNA:

  • Surviving despite the lab being cleaned "hundreds if not thousands" of times
  • Evading detection in control samples
  • Not being transferred into any other samples being held in the lab
  • Being transferred via some unknown mechanism into the yellow-topped containers housing the fingernail samples

"So what you end up with is a whole series of events which in themselves are quite unlikely … and in order therefore to get the final result after all those steps have been fulfilled would be against my expectations," Dr Whitaker said.

It was much more likely Edwards's DNA got underneath Ms Glennon's fingernails as she scratched him during a violent physical altercation, a process that "involves force that would promote the transfer of DNA to the nails", he said.

The probability of this was "moderately high to high", Dr Whitaker said.

Addressing the 13-month time gap between the rape samples being examined at PathWest and Ms Glennon's fingernails coming into the lab, Mr Yovich said it was not unknown that DNA could have "found its way" into another sample over a longer time span.

He told the court DNA from a staff member who worked at Cellmark laboratories in the UK was found on a sample that had been stored in the freezer two years after she left the organisation, despite the fact that she had not worked there for 16 months.

But Dr Whitaker said the staff member had regular access to the freezer, where deposits of her DNA had likely built up and which was a favourable environment for "helping the persistence of the DNA".

Justice Stephen Hall pointed out there was no evidence to show when the contamination occurred in that situation, only that it had been discovered 16 months or two years after the staff member had left.

Fingernail DNA evidence 'extremely strong'

Later, another forensic expert told the court the DNA found underneath Ms Glennon's fingernails was 80 million times more likely to have come from Mr Edwards than from any other white Australian man.

Susan Vintiner, a forensic scientist from New Zealand's ESR laboratories which performed statistical analysis on key pieces of evidence in the case, said the evidence provided "extremely strong scientific support" that the mixed DNA profile found on two of Ms Glennon's left fingernails originated from the then-27-year-old Edwards.

She said DNA found on a 17-year-old girl he violently raped at Karrakatta Cemetery in 1995 was also "20 million million times more likely" — in other words, 20 trillion times more likely — to have come from Edwards than any other Caucasian Australian male.

Edwards admitted to the rape, as well as the 1988 assault of another teenager in Huntingdale, on the eve of his murder trial.

The DNA portion of the trial has now concluded, and the prosecution will move on to fibre evidence when it resumes on March 23.

This involves fibres found in the hair of both Ms Glennon and Ms Rimmer which the state says match fibres found on Edwards's clothing and car.

The 12-day recess was requested by Mr Yovich so he can consider the latest report from the prosecution's fibre expert.

Topics: murder-and-manslaughter, law-crime-and-justice, courts-and-trials, perth-6000, wa, claremont-6010

First posted March 10, 2020 15:39:09

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