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Posted: 2020-03-16 02:14:39

Updated March 16, 2020 15:36:38

Amid rolling updates and guidelines around the coronavirus, there are also endless questions about what we should all be doing to stay healthy.

There's the general advice around washing hands and social distancing, but then there are the specific questions.

The ABC's Dr Norman Swan answers audience questions on everything from pools, to asthma, pregnancy and what you need to do if your partner is advised to self-isolate.

Here is a transcript of his answers, lightly edited for length and clarity.

Note: The answers are relevant as of Monday, March 16.

There's a lot of debate about whether schools should shut or stay open. What's your view on that?

The evidence on schools is mixed.

The people who say schools shouldn't shut say a couple of things.

[They say] it would affect the rest of the economy … [because people] who work in the health sector would be stuck at home with their kids and therefore not be able to get to work. And there's a social cohesion around schools.

[They say] when you look at Singapore, Taiwan and Hong Kong, they succeeded in controlling the epidemic without closing schools.

The data are corrupted by the fact that schools were on holiday in many of those places for the Chinese New Year, and it's therefore really hard to ascertain whether they really benefited from leaving the schools open.

I have a personal view on this: there is no time to waste. Each day that goes by we're going to lose control of this.

We have been too late in banning large gatherings.

We have got to stop, we've got to shut down schools.

A lot of parents are worried. I'm getting a lot of questions from parents saying, 'Should I keep my kid home?'

The thing about keeping your child home, the risk to your child is low. But it's a public health measure, because children spread the virus and they can spread it to teachers and so on and into the community.

And my feeling is, to be blunt, we're dicking around and we've just got to shut stuff down now.

The worst that could happen is that six weeks from now, the shock jocks are going to say, 'Well, I told you nothing would happen!'

Because when prevention works, nothing happens.

Is it still safe to take the kids to the local pool for the swimming lessons?

This is one of the most common question and I don't know the answer to it unfortunately.

Part of the problem with swimming is the variability in chlorination. And if you're in a part of Australia where it's hot and lots of people are using the pool, you don't want to go there anyway because you don't want to go anywhere where there's large numbers of people.

So chlorination, essentially bleaching, does work for SARS CoV-2, it does kill the virus. But the question is whether there's enough chlorine in the pool water to do that, and of course it's very diluted.

My guess is that the chances are incredibly low in a well-chlorinated pool, but the problem is that you're mixing with other people in a wet environment and wet environments are not good.

They're very good environments for passing on infection of all kinds.

So, I think steer clear of swimming pools.

If someone has to self-quarantine with no symptoms present, what does it mean for the other people in the household?

There's two types of quarantine.

One is that you've tested positive for SARS CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.

The correct thing to do is to actually take you away from home into an environment where you can be isolated and not pass it on to other people in the community, or in your family.

You don't want your family to be another cluster of COVID-19. That's why Tom Hanks and his wife, and Peter Dutton, were taken into hospital, so you're quarantined in an area.

They're going to have to find other solutions for that, and in some parts of Sydney they are, particularly for people like students and homeless people who don't have homes to go to. And in Britain, you've just heard that they're going to use hotels for that.

You've got to take people out of the environment if you're positive.

If you're a contact and they're concerned about you, then self-isolation is about trying to stay away from the rest of the people in the family. Staying in a room, using a separate bathroom.

That's a luxury, to have more than one bathroom. But that's the ideal. And not to go out.

If you live alone, only go out to do your shopping and come home. Certainly not go to work. That's what is happening in Italy and overseas.

We've got to be pragmatic about that, but self-isolation is what it means: stay at home and don't come in contact with anybody else for up to two weeks.

Should pregnant women take extra precautions? Or are they at the same risk of others?

The answer is that there isn't a lot of data yet on pregnant women. We don't have any large studies telling you exactly what's happening.

A small study of 18 women who were in the last trimester of pregnancy and then delivered in January-February, from memory, they didn't get into strife.

There's maybe a little indication that you might be more at risk of a premature delivery or a bit of foetal distress, but it's really unclear because they're small numbers and you get foetal distress anyway.

It's going to take months to know what the effect of SARS CoV-2 is on pregnancy as women deliver, as the epidemic goes on.

It's going to be seven, eight, nine months until we know.

We know influenza is really not good if you're pregnant.

All pregnant women, if you're not immunised against influenza, it doesn't matter whether the new vaccine is in, get immunised now. Because all pregnant women should be immunised at any point in the year because influenza is bad.

On the precautionary principle, if you're pregnant, you just have to look after yourself. Be super careful about large crowds, even small crowds, going to work, and that sort of thing.

Because we just don't know what the effect is going to be, and it's going to be several months before we find out.

What are the testing limitations? How soon after contracting the virus will you test positive? And is there a time period of being a carrier and not testing positive?

If we knew the answer to that, I think that life would be a lot simpler. It's a really good question.

The average incubation period is about five days. But it's a very large range in that.

So we currently have a quarantine period of 14 days, which is playing safe. But even with 14 days, according to the latest figures, about 1 in 1,000 people will still develop after that.

Then the question is: when during this period will you test positive? The answer is they don't know. But they say around about 48 hours before.

Basically during the incubation period, the amount of virus in your body grows. There's more and more virus and you're more and more likely to be infectious, and the test is more and more likely to be positive.

So if you test initially negative, you may well need to be retested.

The test itself, by the way, is not perfect. The swab may not be taken in the right way, and sometimes it turns up negative.

The throat swab turns up positive quite a lot of the time. But it's a false negative some of the time.

Sputum is much more accurate, but not everyone has sputum to cough up to test.

Are kids with asthma particularly vulnerable?

It's controversial.

So it's two questions with asthma. One is, are you vulnerable to infection? The jury is out on that. Probably not.

Are you vulnerable to a more serious disease when it comes out? That's the risk.

Now, you remember the thunderstorm event in Melbourne a couple of years ago. That was because a lot of people with asthma in the community either think that they don't have it any more, because they haven't had an attack for a while, or they accept symptoms which are unacceptable.

The waking up during the night with some coughing, waking up in the morning with coughing, coughing and wheezing when they go for a run, and you're sucking on the blue puffer two or three times a day — that's a sign that your asthma is not under control.

And if you then get COVID-19 on top, it could be really bad for you. So the asthma is complicating the inflammation in the lungs.

So the key here is ask yourself: is your asthma really well controlled?

Talk to your doctor about it. There is a set questionnaire you can ask. But a crude way of doing it is those symptoms: Are you using the blue puffer a lot?

If you are, you're not on the right treatment, you've got asthma and you need to be on a preventer medication, which is an inhaled steroid to get it under control.

And your doctor needs to get on top of that and you need to be really on top of it.

This is true, by the way, of anybody with a chronic illness. If you're older with chronic disease, get that chronic disease under control.

Take your meds and really get yourself as fit as you possibly can be, and don't accept you're anything less than best.

Take us through the practical advice

Essentially, washing your hands is number one, and washing your hands with soap.

The reason that you wash your hands with soap is that the virus is held together by fat, and soap breaks down that fat. Also, soap gets into the fat layer of your skin, which is where the virus lives.

Hand sanitiser with alcohol will kill the bug. It's good, but soap and water is best.

Avoid physical contact, so don't shake hands, don't come too close to people, that's the ideal. And then, certainly avoid large crowds.

If have a cough and a cold at the moment, it's probably still a cough and a cold.

It's still quite diluted in the Australian population, not diluted enough, but you've probably got a cough and a cold.

So you really want to stay at home, but talk to your doctor about it.

Avoid public transport if you can.

Your questions on coronavirus answered:

The mathematical modelling is very clear: if you look at all of the things that you can do to control this epidemic, the one thing that changes the trajectory is social distancing. And social distancing in an extreme form.

That is, that you just don't mix with other people for a period of time. And that is what's going to control this epidemic.

Then what Singapore and others have done is very aggressive contact tracing. You identify cases, do mass testing — much more testing than we are doing.

And in some places, if you've got a cluster, say you know in parts of Melbourne or Sydney or wherever, isolate that geographic area in a diameter of maybe 5 kilometres or 10km, and then you send in everybody to really try and control that cluster.

That's how they've managed to do it.

This is centuries-old epidemiology. We're back in 1918. There's no vaccine, no treatment.

We've got to resort to what they've been doing since the year of the plague.

Topics: diseases-and-disorders, respiratory-diseases, australia

First posted March 16, 2020 13:14:39

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