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Posted: 2020-03-17 03:12:28

Shaking your boss's hand, singing only one, not two rounds of 'happy birthday' when washing your hands, going to work with dry cough and sniffle (you don't think it's COVID-19), heading to the pub with a bunch of mates.

These are the things that coronavirus wants you to do next.

Why? Because for this coronavirus, like any virus, its endgame is to be spread as much as possible so it can survive.

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What is a virus?

A virus is a microorganism, said evolutionary biologist Jemma Geoghegan of the University of Otago, who studies the emergence and evolution of viruses and how they jump to new hosts.

Viruses are different from bacteria in that they need a living host in order to reproduce.

A virus invades its host's cells and uses the cell architecture of the host to enable it to replicate and live in that host.

Viruses can survive outside their hosts, on surfaces such as benchtops, door knobs and bathroom taps, for hours or sometimes days (depending on the type of virus, and the type of surface). But they can't reproduce outside the host.

"So without the host, a virus doesn't live for very long," Dr Geoghegan said.

What sort of virus is SARS-CoV-2?

The genetic material (genome) of a virus is made up of either DNA or RNA molecules.

The new severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is a type of RNA virus.

The virus is surrounded by a capsule that is covered in spikes, which bind to receptors in the lungs.

The capsule is made up of proteins and lipids, which is why frequently washing your hands with soap and water is so important as the soap can break the capsule and kill the virus.

"Most envelope viruses are more easily degradable on surfaces and in contact with disinfectants," Dr Geoghegan said.

That doesn't mean SARS-CoV-2 doesn't survive on surfaces, some of the initial research suggests it can survive days on some surfaces, but it can be more easily destroyed than other types of viruses.

Where did this coronavirus come from?

It's clear that this virus came from wildlife, Dr Geoghegan said.

"By looking at the genomes of the new virus that has emerged in humans and comparing them with very similar viruses from wildlife (mainly bats, but also pangolins) we can see the natural evolutionary processes," she said.

The working theory at the moment is that this coronavirus may have come from bats because they contain viruses that are similar to this virus, but Dr Geoghegan cautions many more animal surveys need to be done before we can make that conclusion.

It's helpful to know where this coronavirus came from because it may help us prevent future novel disease outbreaks.

If we identify hotspots where humans and wildlife are interacting — like the live animal market in China where this virus is thought to have originated from — we could then undertake genomic surveillance in these areas to detect the next virus before it becomes an emerging pandemic.

That means surveying what viruses are in the wildlife and the humans they're interacting with.

"Then if there are any viruses that are shared between them, it's something that we could pick up earlier, before it spreads [to the wider population]."

Is this coronavirus mutating?

SARS-CoV-2 like any other RNA virus (including influenza) easily mutates.

This means the virus makes random changes to its genetic code when it replicates.

"[These] changes in its RNA genome that are accumulated and are transmitted from human to human," Dr Geoghegan said.

Over 100 mutations have been identified within that genome during this outbreak so far.

"At the moment, there doesn't seem to be anything interesting about the rate at which it's mutating compared to other RNA viruses, it's quite similar in terms of that," she said.

But, Dr Geoghegan added, it's also far too early for us to know about these potential changes and the way they might affect people with COVID-19 because we don't have enough data on the virus yet.

"We need to be sampling a lot more and we need to be sequencing the genome of the virus a lot more, and there is an enormous global effort to do that."

A virus will always try to evolve through mutating, to be more easily transmitted. That's because its endgame is not to kill all its hosts, but to spread through its hosts to survive.

What don't we know about this coronavirus?

Dr Geoghegan said there are so many unknowns about this virus and a lot more testing is needed.

We don't yet know if people will have lasting immunity once they've been exposed to coronavirus or if they can get infected a second time, which is something to be wary of, she said.

We haven't yet determined if this coronavirus will become a seasonal virus, which means it would be continually circulating around the world, mirroring the fluctuations in flu and other circulating viruses like that.

"We don't really know how the virus is going to behave long-term, so we don't know if [a] vaccine would be lasting or if it's something that would have to be adapted while the virus evolves," Dr Geoghegan said.

What doesn't coronavirus want you to do next?

"Social distancing is probably the number-one thing that is going to stop transmission of the virus and that's what the virus doesn't want us to do," Dr Geoghegan said.

That includes things like not gathering in groups of people, not shaking hands and practising good hygiene.

"[And] if people are returning [from overseas] or if people are feeling unwell, you need to self-isolate."

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