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Posted: 2020-03-17 08:17:07

Posted March 17, 2020 19:17:07

It's difficult to understate the social impact of coronavirus.

Even if you're not self-isolating, we're still being told to practice social distancing. But that doesn't mean social interactions are ceasing altogether.

So, how does one greet someone in the time of coronavirus?


Now's not the time to be shaking hands.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has expressly warned against this.

If you have germs on your hand and you touch another hand, you pass those germs on. No one wants that.

We asked Dave Whitworth, a biochemist from Aberystwyth University in Wales, to explain why handshakes are so bad.

In 2014, he and his team compared handshakes, high-fives and fist bumps.

In the experiment, one person dipped a glove into an E. coli solution, allowing a "dry film of bacteria" to form.

The wearer then performed a fist bump, a high-five and a handshake with someone wearing sterile gloves.

When researchers studied the amount of bacteria that transferred to the sterile glove, they unsurprisingly found handshakes spread the most germs.

"I'd expect that we would have more bacteria on our palms and finger-tips because those are the parts of the hand we mostly use to touch things," Dr Whitworth said.

"But there might also be more bacteria in those places that people tend to miss when washing their hands — for instance the regions between fingers and thumb."

Bonus tip: Dr Whitworth's study found the firmer the grip, the more germs are transferred. While a limp handshake is widely considered a faux pas, it's a safer shake.


Dr Whitworth's study found high-fives transferred about 50 per cent fewer bacteria than a handshake.

It's a significant drop, but we wouldn't recommend dishing out any high-fives right now.

The study found the handshake transferred "a high dose" of germs, so in passing on half of that bacteria, the high-five still passes on quite a bit of undesirable microbes.

Fist bumps

Dr Whitworth's study found that fist bumps transfer 90 per cent fewer bacteria than a handshake.

The thinking is that the surface area of a skin-on-skin contact is less in a first bump compared to a handshake.

And the length of contact is much shorter, which no doubt helps.

After the study, Dr Whitworth recommended people adopt fist bumps instead of handshakes to reduce the spread of infection.

But it's important to remember the study still found there was some germ transference, so maybe opt against it.

Your questions on coronavirus answered:

Elbow bump

This has been hailed as the alternative for the handshake.

There's less surface areas for contact, you're often covered by long sleeves and, importantly, it's physically impossible to touch your own face with your elbow.

But Dr Whitworth was sceptical.

"It's not somewhere we usually touch things with, so that's a plus," he said.

"But we are being encouraged to sneeze into the inside of our elbows if we can't get a tissue in time.

"There is also an issue of whether transmissible diseases can survive longer on clothes or flesh, which will affect the relative merits of fists vs elbows."

And even though it's good enough for US President Donald Trump, director of the Australian School of Etiquette Zarife Hardy says it probably isn't all that professional.

"I don't think the elbow bump is very appropriate in business unless you are very comfortable with the business person you are meeting," she said.

"We still need to keep our business formalities up, particularly with clients we don't know or aren't overly familiar with."

How to decline a handshake

"Firstly, the most important rule is to be honest with people in a polite way," Ms Hardy says.

"Regardless of COVID-19, if you are unwell or don't like shaking hands, politely tell the other person.

"Make sure you always give a lovely, warm smile and speak in a kind manner.

"There is nothing wrong with saying 'Great to meet you (their name), at the moment I'm not shaking hands,' use a big genuine smile and positive eye contact."

It's that simple.

And let's not forget there are many, many contactless greetings to choose from:


Never discount the simple wave.

The motion of your hand both communicates warm wishes and the moving target makes it quite difficult for someone to spring a handshake on you.

Contactless? Check.

Widely recognised as positive? Check.

Visible at a distance of 1.5 metres and further? Check.


This one is gathering a lot of speed on Twitter.

The "namaste" greeting involves no touching — just two hands over your heart and a gentle bow.

It's a Sanskrit word that means "bowing to you". In India, it's a greeting, but one of respect, expressing honour, politeness and hospitality.

India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi is advocating for its use instead of a handshake. And Prince Charles appears to be a big fan of it.

But think about the context in which you're bowing.

"If you feel for one single second that a bow, fist bump or high five is inappropriate or culturally disrespectful, then don't do it," Ms Hardy says.

"I would always recommend, particularly at the moment, just stating the truth using great eye contact, a clear articulate voice and warm smile.

"We really don't need to exhibit actions that may make other people feel uncomfortable or misunderstood."

Finger guns

If you're John Stamos, you can probably pull this off.

But, again, this all depends on the context.

"If we are meeting up with friends at the pub or socially then maybe have some fun," Ms Hardy says.

"But in the work environment or meeting someone new, I wouldn't be recommending these to start with."

And, we'd like to point out that you do run the risk of veering on the goofy side.

If Chris Hemsworth can't make it look cool, what hope is there for the rest of us?

Jazz hands

Think of jazz hands as a sparkly wave.

They're a little bit on the dramatic side, but there is a place for it in society.

Over the weekend, real estate agency Ray White named the snazzy gesture as one of its preferred alternatives to the handshake.

Vulcan salute

This takes the wave up a notch.

But it's not the easiest to master, requiring a bit of concentration to get it right.

This might be the vibe you're going for — to impress others with your superior finger control.

But it made it hard to whip it out at a moment's notice.

What the experts are saying about coronavirus:

Topics: infectious-diseases-other, respiratory-diseases

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