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Posted: 2020-03-18 06:40:30

Updated March 18, 2020 19:18:14

As new cases plunge to an all-time low at ground zero of the coronavirus pandemic, many in Australia's Chinese community are urging Canberra to take lessons from Beijing's apparent success.

Key points:

  • Many in the Chinese community want more people in Australia to wear masks
  • Schools remain closed in China but Australia plans to keep them open
  • Wuhan has been in lockdown since January 23

The number of new daily COVID-19 cases in Hubei province, the epicentre of the original outbreak, has fallen to just one in the last 24 hours from the height of nearly 15,000 cases recorded on February 13, according to China's National Health Commission.

It comes as countries including Italy, France and Spain experience an explosion in new cases, with the World Health Organisation (WHO) announcing over the weekend that Europe had become the new epicentre of the pandemic.

It said Europe had "more reported cases and deaths than the rest of the world combined, apart from China".

Australia is also battling escalating numbers of the novel coronavirus, with the latest national figure sitting at some 512 cases and five deaths.

The Federal Government announced a raft of measures aimed at flattening the curve of infections, including a 14-day quarantine period for all people entering Australia and banning non-essential gatherings of more than 100 people in indoor areas and 500 people outdoors.

However, critics say the Government should enforce even more stringent measures such shutting down schools, encouraging more people to wear face masks, and expanding travel bans.

While many have labelled the Wuhan-style lockdown of millions of people as "draconian", others believe it has contributed to containing the virus in China and called for Australia to consider similar measures.

So, did China really get it right and is there something to be learnt from China and the Chinese community's response to COVID-19 so far?

Masks mandatory in some Chinese cities, so why not here?

Ouyang Zhengjie, an international student at Melbourne's RMIT who recently returned to Australia after visiting relatives in China, said there was a stark difference between the two countries in dealing with the epidemic.

Mr Ouyang told the ABC public health in his hometown of Zhongshan city in Guangdong province was a priority and people must wear masks when they went out.

He acknowledged the situation varied from location to location in Australia, but said Victoria's recommendation that face masks weren't necessary for healthy individuals was "irresponsible" — despite it being in line with the WHO's position.

"During the domestic epidemic [in China], wearing a mask was one of the most effective ways [to stem the spread]," Mr Ouyang said.

"People around me still think I'm overreacting, but masks are no longer available."

Many in the Australian Chinese community have turned to bulk buying surgical masks from China at $2 a piece after facing continued stock shortages domestically.

Despite the widespread use of facemasks in Australia — particularly by the Chinese community — medical experts say it is mostly unwarranted and P2 or N95 masks needed to be fitted properly to be effective.

Stay up-to-date on the coronavirus outbreak

Hui Yang, a Senior Research Fellow and Manager of China GP Programs from Monash University, said the Chinese community's mask-wearing habits needed to be viewed from a cultural perspective rather than a medical one.

People in China wear masks to protect themselves and others, Dr Yang said, whereas in Australia it is seen as an indication that the mask-wearer is unwell.

"We have been particularly emphasising that people could contract the coronavirus via [close] contact, which can be avoided by washing hands and stopping large-scale public gatherings," Dr Yang said.

"Wearing a mask is much less effective than washing hands and social distancing."

Dr Yang added the Chinese community could also be feeling more anxious because they were constantly comparing information on measures from the Chinese and Australian governments in response to COVID-19.

"The Chinese community has been following [the virus] since the beginning, they have much better awareness and understanding of the epidemic," he said.

"But it also created more anxiety while they are following the developments every day."

What do lockdowns involve and do they work?

China imposed unprecedented lockdowns on Wuhan and other cities in Hubei province on January 23, when the country's reported cases rose to 571 and deaths almost doubled to 17.

In all, some 58 million people have been placed under unprecedented restrictions, with public transport and flights suspended, and the majority of shops and supermarkets closed. Residents in Wuhan remain in self-isolation.

As the number of new cases and deaths soared across China, dozens of cities and provinces issued official notices for lockdown policies, with measures ranging from "closed-off management", where residents of a community have to be registered before they are allowed in or out, to restrictions that shut down highways and public transport systems.

After recording 463 deaths — the most number of deaths outside of China — Italy last week announced a national lockdown of some 60 million people, who would only be allowed to travel for work, medical reasons or emergencies until April 3.

France, Spain, Germany and a growing number of other countries have also imposed lockdowns of various severity over the past week to stem the spread.

While authorities say an European-style lockdown could still be on the table for Australia, some medical experts point out that a Wuhan-style lockdown may not be the appropriate solution.

Your questions on coronavirus answered:

Victoria's chief health officer Brett Sutton told ABC Radio Melbourne: "What everyone needs to understand is that if you go down a path of China outside of Hubei province, or South Korea, shutting cases down completely, is that you have to keep those numbers down, because you've still got a population who are entirely vulnerable to that virus.

"So [people] can't think that we just lock it down for four weeks or eight, or even 12 weeks, and that we can lift them, and that the pandemic has passed, and everyone is OK," he explained.

"We have to understand that we will need to get a population who are immune to this virus, because a number of us will need to get infected.

"What we have to do is make sure that we control the rising cases, so that we don't have overwhelmed health systems, and so that we can protect absolutely the most vulnerable, which is the elderly and those with chronic disease."

But Dr Norman Swan from ABC's Health Report said a "severe shutdown is required", adding it might not need to be for too long because authorities would get on top of it more quickly while the numbers were low.

He said China was shutting down areas where they found a cluster of cases and finding cases in that cluster.

While Australia was already testing and contact tracing, Dr Swan questioned whether authorities were testing widely enough.

"Are we isolating areas of Sydney and Melbourne and really going in there, are we sharing information with the public, so the public is aware of where the high risk areas are?

"We're not doing all of that, and we could be doing more."

While business appears to be slowly returning to normal in some parts of China, the country remains on high alert, especially with a steady number of cases being imported from countries including Italy and the United States.

Beijing has reportedly banned face-to-face dining in restaurants and canteens in the capital, while some attractions including Disneyland in Shanghai have only partially resumed operations amid fears a return to normalcy could see a rebound in new cases.

China vs Australia's response in tackling imported cases

The Federal Government last week extended its coronavirus travel ban for travellers from Italy, South Korea, Iran and China for another week as the number of Australian cases continues to rise.

The Government is still considering bans on travellers from the European Union while the United States is currently not on the cards despite the high volume of cases being imported from the country.

According to available data from reports published by state and federal health authorities, supplemented with additional reporting by ABC News, the US was the most common country visited in half of all Australian cases acquired overseas.

Georgina Hu, a law school student from the University of Sydney, is one among many asking the question why travellers from the US continue to be allowed entry into Australia.

A petition online calling for an Australian travel ban on Europe and the US has garnered more than 3,700 signatures in the past two days, including many supporters from the Chinese community.

What the experts are saying about coronavirus:

In an attempt to answer the question last week, Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt said the focus was on the areas that had been flagged as "global epicentres" of the virus.

Dr Swan said he believed there would be many cases which the United States may not know about.

"It's out of control in the United States, there are tens of thousands of cases — they don't even know how many they've got — and we should institute a travel ban. I suspect the reason we've not is politics," he said.

While Australia announced all travellers from overseas need to self-isolate for 14-days, Beijing has gone a step further by setting up a massive isolation centre near its main airport for travellers arriving from outbreak countries.

Travellers arriving in Beijing also need to undergo a 14-day quarantine at a designated hotel or other assigned location at their own expense.

Meanwhile, many countries affected by the coronavirus outbreak have also either closed or imposed restrictions on bars, restaurants, schools and universities as part of social-distancing measures.

Schools in China remain closed — should we follow suit?

The majority of schools in China remain closed after extending their winter break from mid-February, according to state media Xinhua News Agency, although a handful have resumed some classes this week.

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison reiterated on Wednesday that schools would remain open, adding that as a father, he was happy to send his children to school.

"The health advice is that schools should remain open," he said.

"In Singapore, the schools are open … [they] have been quite effective in managing and limiting the transmission of this virus in that country.

"There are a number of reasons for this. The first one is that the virus operates very differently amongst younger people.

"It has a different manifestation among younger people and that presents a very different health challenge to the broader population."

While experts agree with Mr Morrison that closing schools would have significant societal impacts, some said the Singapore comparison was not valid.

"The evidence from overseas, from China, from Singapore and Hong Kong is that they've managed to control it without closing schools," Dr Swan said.

"The trouble is, that in those places, there were school holidays when the epidemic started, so it's not really a valid comparison, and children do get SARS-CoV-2, and they'll probably spread it because they do with influenza.

"Maybe wait a week for that, but probably the right thing to do is to close schools now. It's not far from Easter, and maybe they have a month-long holiday.

"It's tough but I think we can control this epidemic early, rather than waiting until the numbers go out of hand."

Is it possible for Australia to take a leaf out of China's book?

Even if Australian politicians want to take a leaf out of China's book, it would be highly unlikely because the two countries have completely different systems of governments and different views on privacy.

For example, Chinese telecommunications companies — all state-owned — have to submit movement data for government apps that track where people have been.

And in some compounds, residents need to scan QR codes to show they haven't violated home isolation rules before they are allowed to enter.

In comparison, Ms Hu, the law student from the University of Sydney, said she believed there was a lack of clarity around how the Government planned to monitor everyone returning from overseas to ensure they committed to the 14-days of self-isolation.

"These aggressive efforts to prevent the spread of the virus have not been pretty," authors John Daley and Matt Cowgill wrote for the Grattan Institute's blog last week.

"They've come at a real economic cost to many households and businesses — but they appear to have been successful."

Dr Yang also pointed out that while Beijing's centralised political system enabled it to roll out its measures quickly in a state of emergency, it did not leave much room for discussion.

Bonnie Glaser, director of the China Power Project at the Centre for Strategic International Studies in Washington DC, said Beijing could also use its response to coronavirus to its advantage.

"I think that most people will say that the Chinese had a little bit of a slow start, but they ended up doing OK," she said.

"Xi Jinping will tell his people that their authoritarian system was a strength in wiping out the virus, and enabled them to do the kinds of things that democratic societies cannot do."

Additional reporting by Samuel Yang

Topics: infectious-diseases-other, government-and-politics, forms-of-government, diseases-and-disorders, respiratory-diseases, health, world-politics, australia, china, asia

First posted March 18, 2020 17:40:30

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