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Posted: 2020-04-05 00:40:25

Posted April 05, 2020 10:40:25

Mary (not her real name) doesn't look like a fugitive, but she admits she is on the run from a coronavirus lockdown order.

"I wanted to be with my family," she says.

"So I left the hotel."

Mary, whose identify the ABC has chosen to obscure, is supposed to be in two weeks' quarantine at a Government-paid hotel room in Broome after a recent stay in hospital.

Instead, she has opted to try to return to her remote WA community.

She was lonely and homesick in quarantine, and that felt much more real than the abstract threat of the virus local people refer to simply as 'the corona'.

She left lockdown, slipped out of the hotel, and made her way to the park where she and her relatives had been sleeping under a tree for several months prior to her medical treatment.

During our interview, she is sitting in the breeze under a tree, seemingly unaware that she is risking a $50,000 fine by doing so.

She is desperate to go back to her home community in the desert 1,000 kilometres east, but will not be allowed back until she has completed two weeks of isolation.

"They said I got to stay at this hotel, but it's hard — I want to see my family," she says.

"I haven't got no virus, I just want to go back home to Balgo.

"We'll go hunting and camping and we'll be safe there."

As COVID-19 fear spreads across the nation, Mary is one of many northerners at risk of slipping through the most carefully developed pandemic plans.

The people breaking the self-isolation rules cross all demographics.

Last week, police were called to an up-market resort in Broome where oil and gas workers, evacuated from an offshore drilling rig, were ignoring instructions to quarantine, and roaming across the road to buy supplies from the local bottle shop.

They were given a stern warning, and INPEX management quietly chartered planes to relocate the workers south to Perth.

But it is a small number of Aboriginal people from remote communities that pose a particularly difficult challenge, with some resisting efforts by the Government to help them stay safe.

Stay up-to-date on the coronavirus outbreak

Remote communities a 'refuge'

Remote communities are emerging as a potential refuge from coronavirus, but tensions are emerging over who should be allowed in.

Broome Shire President Harold Tracey says he's worried itinerant people being transported back to their bush communities could unknowing bring COVID-19.

"I'm really concerned about this uncontrolled repatriation of our itinerant population back to communities," he says.

"They're the most vulnerable people in town in terms of the possibility of exposure to this virus, and to just pop them in planes and buses and send them to the communities, sometimes without screening, could be a disaster."

The dilemma stems from remote communities being locked down more tightly than anywhere else in Australia, to try to keep them free of COVID-19.

The bush communities have horribly high rates of chronic disease, exacerbated by overcrowding and poor nutrition.

Combine that with limited health services — some communities have a clinic staffed by two nurses, and some have nothing — and there's a deep fear that COVID-19 could take a fatal toll.

Many remote community leaders responded to the crisis more quickly and efficiently than the Government, choosing to lock down their communities and bar entry prior to federal laws being introduced in mid-March.

But complicating things are the hundreds of itinerant bush people living temporarily in bigger regional centres, such as Broome, Port Hedland, and Kalgoorlie.

Some are in town for medical appointments or funerals; others lured by the neon lights of the bottle shops and the unfettered flow of alcohol.

Most camp at the overcrowded homes of relatives, or sleep in shanty-town-style camps in sand dunes and parks.

Marjorie Nungoray is among them.

She says she's been staying in town for several years.

I've been here a long time now," she says.

"But there's something going around town now, a virus... police told us today that seven people from the hospital have it.

"I miss my family and we all need to come together now."

Now, with coronavirus spreading rapidly through regional areas, there's a rapid push by health agencies to get them back home.

Your questions on coronavirus answered:

Roc McPhee, from the Kimberley Aboriginal Medical Service, says it's a good idea in principle.

"The needs of people in Broome who are currently homeless or sleeping rough was identified very early in the pandemic response planning," he says.

"We hope that the WA Government and communities can negotiate an acceptable arrangement, that results in these community members being able to return home, as we believe this will be the safest place for them during this pandemic."

But there is growing concern that the returnees could inadvertently bring germs that could shatter the hope of keeping the remote communities virus-free.

The preference has been for the town-dwellers to self-isolate for two weeks before returning home, but many are reluctant to do so.

A cat-and-mouse game is playing out in northern towns, as some stubborn residents escape the isolation rooms organised for them; several others from remote desert communities have refused to board the $4,000 charter planes booked for them because they'd rather stay and spend their $750 bonus payments in town.

The WA Government is spending $750,000 on managing the return of people to their home communities, but Aboriginal Affairs Minister Ben Wyatt says it's not an easy task.

"It's incredibly difficult … you may have had people in a large regional centre for some time, who want to go back to their community but can't, because they can't self-isolate for 14 days," he says.

"Also with those remote communities, there's not sufficient housing for the population … so these are very difficult issues that we're having to confront in real time, because we're having to move so fast as COVID-19 makes its way across the country."

A safe haven in the desert

As anxiety grows to something of a localised hysteria in some Kimberley towns — some residents suspect the Government is abandoning Aboriginal people to die — one of the trickiest locations to manage as been the desert community of Balgo.

Balgo is a tiny dot of a town located in the Tanami Desert, close to the WA–Northern Territory border.

In the wet season, dozens of residents relocate to Broome, to catch up with far-flung relatives and enjoy the novelties of town.

Among them is Gerald Maggie and his family, who have been camping out with relatives in the 'big smoke' of Broome for four months.

Now, as the threat of the dreaded coronavirus spreads quickly through the Kimberley, the family is being checked over by Aboriginal health workers at a waiting room at Broome airport.

They're due to board a plane to their home community of Balgo, but won't be allowed to if they show any symptoms of COVID-19.

It's a tense wait, because one of the children has a temperature and a doctor has to be contacted.

Mr Maggie and his partner are upbeat at the prospect of going home.

"I'm glad to be going home, because this virus is killing people all over the world," he says.

The flights are the culmination of a tense stand-off that developed in late March, when the Balgo community decided that those who had been staying in town would not be allowed back unless they had quarantined for two weeks.

That would be no easy task. Locals hotels were reluctant to accept the two dozen rough-sleepers who were now virtual refugees in Broome, suspecting they would be reluctant to stay put in even the most lavish resort rooms.

The Balgo people were hurt and confused, insisting they were not carrying the virus and blaming the 'gudia' (white people) working at the Balgo office for blocking their return. They stayed restlessly at their overcrowded homes and shanty-town camps, growing increasingly anxious about the dreaded virus known locally as 'the corona'.

Outreach workers tried frantically to try to find a solution, as Broome recorded its first confirmed coronavirus case on March 28.

At the end of the month came a breakthrough. The Balgo community leaders relented and decided to let them in without self-isolating first.

Mr Maggie said he was glad to get the news, and was confident the family would not bring coronavirus with them.

"We know that we have to go into isolation when we get to Balgo. Going to keep the kids at home and wash, wash, wash those hands," he said.

"I've got my three kids here to get home, but it's so difficult because I see my families still drinking and hanging around the park, because the alcohol got them … they want to drink more grog."

He's talking about a handful of women from Balgo, who at the last minute, as the charter plane warned up on the tarmac at Broome airport, changed their mind about going back to Balgo.

They decided to stay camped on the oval in Broome, and spend the $750 virus bonus payment on food and alcohol.

At the situation's core is a dilemma compounded by the urgency of the COVD-19 response: how does the state protect people who are to resistant to offers of help, and where the help offered is not culturally compatible?

What the experts are saying about coronavirus:

Broome residents are increasingly frustrated at the stubborn refusal of the last remaining Balgo people to accept the offer of a hotel room in which to quarantine, with one writing a letter to the WA Premier demanding they be physically detained in solitary accommodation for their own safety.

Mr Wyatt said the local Aboriginal organisations contracted to manage the return of remote community residents would deal with them on a case-by-case basis.

On the positive side, he said, was the strength and resiliency being shown by remote Aboriginal communities.

"I think there is almost an irony where for a long time there's been lots of discussion about the future of remote communities, but when something like this comes along it highlights the importance of those communities," he said.

"People certainly see them as their refuge, not only sometimes from alcohol and drugs and the things you have in larger regional towns but in this case from a disease."

Still on the run

Back at the Broome airport, Mr Maggie's son has been given the all-clear.

He doesn't have symptoms of COVID-19, and the family is being allowed to return home.

He helps his wife bundle up their bags and head out onto the tarmac, to board the small, buzzing plane home.

They're soon flying out over the park where Mary has come to enjoy the sky and the fresh air after illegally leaving her hotel room quarantine.

Before long, her absence is noticed, and exhausted Aboriginal outreach workers arrive to bundle her back to the hotel.

But she slips down the road, out of sight, and outreach workers cruise up and down the main streets of Broome in their car, looking for her.

Topics: indigenous-other-peoples, covid-19, broome-6725, derby-6728, fitzroy-crossing-6765, halls-creek-6770, kununurra-6743

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