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Posted: 2020-04-09 03:10:27

Posted April 09, 2020 12:24:56

The year was 1981. The place was Burlington, Vermont. And Bernard Sanders had just been elected the city's mayor by 10 votes, a race so close, and so full of novel ideas, that it drew national attention.

"The problem with the word socialism is that very often it gets equated to what's going on in the Soviet Union — with authoritarianism and totalitarianism and so forth," he said in the chanty cadence and shouty tone he'd come to be known for.

"Do I believe the profit motive is fundamental to human nature? The answer is no. I believe the spirit of cooperation is stronger."

Had you placed those Sanders comments in the year 1991 or 2016 or 2020, no-one would have blamed you.

Since that interview, the advent of his 40-year career in politics, Sanders has never once shied away from his ideas, using nearly every moment of his adult existence to fight for principles Americans consider too radical to put into practice.

His will of belief was seen as his strongest asset by his supporters. But it may well be the reason he couldn't get the party to rally around him in the end.

Today he ended his second (and likely final) campaign for president, opening the door for his moderate rival Joe Biden to win the nomination and take on Donald Trump.

Sanders' dreams for an anti-capitalist future started with his past

Sanders grew up in Brooklyn in economic stagnation, watching America roil with protests and sit-ins, freedom rides and notions of change.

He lived in the thick of it, travelling to civil rights demonstrations and working as a political organiser, finally venturing into politics in his late thirties and successfully transforming a struggling small town into a blossoming city.

His popularity in Vermont landed him 16 years in the US House of Representatives, then three terms as a US senator.

Though Sanders filled those offices as an independent, he almost always voted with the Democrats.

His decision to run in 2016 was with that party in mind. He felt American progressives weren't hearing his far-left ideas.

"This is not an individual thing, this is not a personal thing," he said in a 2013 interview with Politico.

"It would be a disaster for this country to go through a campaign where you had candidates who are not talking about the collapse of the middle class, growing wealth and income inequality, growth in poverty, global warming."

He worried about the consequences of a failed run, but in the end, believed he had a decent shot of beating Hillary Clinton for the Democratic nomination.

The establishment either did not, or did, and dreaded it. Coverage of his campaign launch ran on page 21 of the New York Times.

But by the end of that failed run, Sanders had become a household name thanks to a certain strength: voters knew what he stood for.

Clinton put it this way in her campaign memoir, What Happened: "I have a new appreciation for the galvanising power of big, simple ideas."

Americans remembered those ideas when Sanders launched his 2020 campaign

When Sanders announced he was running again in 2019, the New York Times ran the story on its cover.

The senator raised more than $US18 million [$29 million] through small, individual donations in his first six weeks of campaigning.

That fundraising power would continue to propel Sanders to the top of the historically big and diverse field of candidates.

But all the while the moderate wing of the Democratic Party was still sceptical of Sanders' beliefs, and even progressives thought he had obstacles to the nomination.

One was the belief that Sanders, age 78, was too old to take on the nomination.

Those worries amplified in October when he suffered a heart attack, the kind of health disaster that would end other candidates' campaigns.

For Sanders, the medical emergency was shortly followed by a rise in the polls, thanks in part to the strength of his campaign surrogates. The first rally Sanders held after his heart attack was headlined by Democratic darling Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

He only gained ground from there, earning endorsements from hundreds of celebrities and influencers and becoming the most popular candidate with Democrats under the age of 35.

Even with that popularity — or maybe because of it — some worried that Sanders' stubborn commitment to progressive ideals could never do enough to unify the Democratic base.

"Everyone's just talking about electability," one Sanders supporter told the ABC ahead of the nation's first democratic nominating contest, the Iowa caucuses.

"I'm putting my money on Biden, and I'll vote for him if he's the one that can beat Trump."

Bernie started winning. Until he didn't

The first two primary contests in Iowa and New Hampshire were messy, but Sanders walked away a winner in both.

He defied expectations in the third, Nevada, by securing the normally-moderate Latino vote in overwhelming numbers. Turnout in the state broke records, in part thanks to Sanders' appeal.

Everything changed with the fourth state, South Carolina, where 40 per cent of the Democratic electorate is African American. An overwhelming majority of that demographic coalesced around Joe Biden.

The win was so secure it was announced within the first two minutes of votes being counted.

It'd be tough to overstate how critical this vote looked to US politics watchers.

African American voters are among the most consistently Democratic, and a group historically shown to be harmed by a Republican president.

Though Biden heavily focused on African American voters throughout the campaign, his policies and voting record weren't always as favourable to them as they could be.

With Sanders still preaching his big policies, Biden's win in South Carolina revealed that the voters at the core of the Democratic Party still had their minds set on one question: who would beat Trump?

Jason Johnson, former politics editor for the African American-focused publication The Root, put it this way:

"Voting for Bernie Sanders requires that black people believe that white people will do something they've never done: willingly and openly share the economic bounty of the United States."

The wave broke on Super Tuesday

The Democratic Party, too, started thinking about what white people would do in the general election.

The day before Super Tuesday, two popular moderate candidates dropped out of the race and threw their support behind Biden in a show of force against Sanders.

Sanders' supporters were undaunted. In Los Angeles, more than 20,000 of them packed into an auditorium to hear him speak.

"I think Biden did a lot of work in South Carolina … but people can't ignore the bloc of Sanders' support," one told the ABC then.

Uncommitted voters believed differently.

As Biden swept 10 of the 14 Super Tuesday states, exit polls showed that an unusually high number of voters made up their minds 24 hours before voting, and a majority of those late-deciders chose Biden.

And then coronavirus changed everything

In the US, concern about coronavirus hit suddenly and decisively around mid-March, pushing politics to the periphery in news bulletins but not necessarily in the minds of Americans.

Healthcare was front of mind. So too was the economy. Presidential leadership mattered in a way it hadn't during the Russia probe or Ukraine scandal.

With sports and TV shows cancelled, millions of Americans tuned in to the first one-on-one debate featuring Biden and Sanders.

Biden, aided by the lack of a cheering crowd, laid out step-by-step plans for how he'd fight the virus if he were president today.

Sanders stuck to the same policy ideas he always had, talking about redistributing wealth and overhauling the healthcare system.

"It has nothing to do with Medicare for All. That does not solve the problem at all," Biden responded.

"People are looking for results, not a revolution."

The next round of primaries again went to Biden. Then the next.

Living through a world turned upside down, Americans went the way of South Carolina and decided they could no longer entertain the idea of a political revolution or a sudden shift to socialist policies. They wanted safety, security and predictability.

They wanted Joe Biden.

Sanders bowed out as path to victory disappeared

Three weeks and thousands of American COVID-19 cases later, Sanders concluded it would be better if he left the race to allow the party to unify around the presumptive nominee.

"Please know that I do not make this decision lightly," he told his supporters. "If I believe we had a feasible path to the nomination I would continue, but it's just not there."

"But let me say this very emphatically: As you all know, we have never been just a campaign. We are a grassroots, multiracial, multigenerational movement."

It's the kind of thing that all politicians say when bowing out gracefully, but when Sanders says his campaign was more than a campaign, he really means it.

The Republicans in Congress and the President may not have been thinking about Sanders when they passed the first coronavirus bill, but there are echoes of his platform throughout it: government-subsidised healthcare, unemployment insurance, tax cuts to gig workers.

The conservative governments of America's closest allies — Australia and the UK — have enacted similar stimulus packages despite standing opposite Sanders on the ideological spectrum.

At a time when the world is at its most dark and desperate, leaders have turned to some of the ideas Sanders has promoted for decades.

"It was not long ago that people considered these ideas radical and fringe," Sanders said at the beginning of his speech today.

"Together we have transformed, in the American consciousness, what kind of nation we can become."

He ended his remarks with a single pledge, as if it was ever a question in the minds of Americans — to keep fighting for what he believes in.

Topics: donald-trump, us-elections, covid-19, democrats, united-states

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