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Posted: 2020-04-17 06:07:19

Posted April 17, 2020 16:07:19

As the Federal Government starts to plan a coronavirus exit strategy, many Australians are looking for ways to get back to normal life as soon as possible.

While authorities in several Australian states are expanding testing criteria to encourage anyone with symptoms to get tested for the virus, we're still not at the stage of testing a wide number of people without symptoms.

This means we don't yet have a full picture of who has been infected with COVID-19 — and who therefore might be immune.

So what about these new "finger-prick" COVID-19 tests that Australia has recently approved?

The Health Department confirmed at the end of March that "point-of-care" or antibody tests would be arriving soon, promising a much cheaper and quicker alternative to the current testing method.

An antibody test identifies people whose immune systems have already encountered COVID-19, even if they haven't shown symptoms.

But you shouldn't be rushing out to find these just yet.

What is an antibody test and how is it different?

The standard COVID-19 tests are called polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests. If you've been tested already and had a swab inserted up one or both nostrils or into the back of your throat, that was a PCR test.

These tests detect the presence of the actual SARS-CoV-2 virus (that's the official name of the new coronavirus). They take a few hours to detect whether the virus is present.

But the so-called "point-of-care" antibody test is different.

Instead of detecting the virus, they are looking to see whether your body has started fighting the infection.

They do this by analysing a blood sample (from a simple finger prick) to see whether it contains specific antibodies that attach to parts of the virus and combat the infection, mainly by preventing the virus from entering our cells.

The finger-prick test is much quicker, returning results in as little as 15 minutes.

Great, where can I get a finger-prick test?

The finger-prick tests have been approved for use in Australia, but that doesn't mean you can pop down to the chemist and pick one up for yourself, or order one online from overseas,

The Therapeutic Goods Administration, which approves drugs and medical equipment for use in Australia, has specifically warned against these types of tests being used for self-testing.

In approving the finger-prick test, it stressed that these point-of-care tests should only be used by health professionals within appropriate settings. This is partly because the test is not foolproof.

Stay up-to-date on the coronavirus outbreak

Why aren't antibody tests foolproof?

This is because it takes time for our bodies to develop those antibodies — between five and 10 days. So the test is not as effective if you've only just been exposed.

Essentially, what this means is finger-prick testing could potentially give people a negative result even if they have been infected.

"It takes time for our bodies to make antibodies, so people can already have the SARS-CoV-2 virus and be spreading the infection to other people before we can detect their antibodies," it said in a statement.

Chris Moy, South Australian president of the Australian Medical Association, says the risk of giving people false assurance is dangerous.

"A negative test does not mean you haven't had it at the time, that's the biggest concern at the moment, it gives you false assurance," he said.

"A test which doesn't give you the information that you want, which is whether you've actually got it at the time, is worse than no test at all."

The TGA also warned that using these types of tests at home (without a health professional) could also give a false-positive result, which would indicate your body has developed antibodies, when in fact you haven't.

This could give people a false sense of security, Dr Moy warned.

According to the TGA: "Home tests may give a false positive or false negative result, which could be extremely dangerous for yourself and others if relied on," it said in a statement.

Your questions on coronavirus answered:

What do we know about immunity?

Researchers still don't know whether someone who's contracted COVID-19 once can catch it again.

While antibodies to many infectious diseases typically suggest some level of immunity, we still don't know if that's the case with this unique coronavirus.

It's also not clear how strong immunity might be, or how long it might last in people previously infected. With some diseases, like measles, immunity can be lifelong. With others, immunity can wane over time.

So at this point, we don't know enough for people to rely on a positive finger-prick test to tell them they're safe to go back into the world and come into contact with other people who've got the virus.

So what are these tests being used for?

Some countries are further along in rolling out antibody testing, with labs across the United States developing similar tests and the United Kingdom looking into mass at-home testing, possibly within weeks.

More than 60 companies in the US have already notified the Food and Drug Administration (the TGA's equivalent in the US) of plans to release antibody tests, some of which the FDA says they'll allow without standard review if developers can determine they're accurate.

But Australia isn't at that stage yet.

South Australia has even gone so far as to ban the tests from use, with police authorised to issue fines of up to $20,000 to anyone using the tests to diagnose COVID-19 (SA Pathology and Health Department employees are exempt).

What the experts are saying about coronavirus:

But Dr Moy says finger-prick testing may be more useful when Australia is further along the curve, to gather "a survey of whether we've actually been missing a lot of people in the community spread".

So in theory, once we know more about the virus, governments could use antibody tests to determine who would most likely be safe to return to work.

People with negative antibody tests or very low antibody levels would likely have a higher risk of infection than people with high antibody levels.

The Federal Health Department did not respond to questions about where finger-prick testing is currently being utilised in Australia, but their previous advice has been that this should only be used in healthcare settings and performed by health-care professionals.

What you need to know about coronavirus:


Topics: infectious-diseases-other, respiratory-diseases, medical-research, doctors-and-medical-professionals, health, covid-19, australia

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