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Following Cardi wholesale halloween costumes B and Paramore’s Hayley Williams, Lil Yachty is the third cover star for The FADER‘s upcoming Summer Music Issue. For the profile, writer Rembert Browne spent five days with Yachty in Los Angeles and New York, as the burgeoning rapper was on an intense promo run leading up to the release of his debut album, Teenage Emotions.

At the ripe age of 19, we in turn get a glimpse as Halloween Costumes Outlet Lil Boat balances youth and adulthood, while proving that he is ultimately king to many of his teenage peers.

Below we’ve highlighted some excerpts from FADER‘s Yachty piece, as you can then visit their website for the entire interview. Also, you can pre-order the publication’s Summer Music Issue now before it hits newsstands July 25.

On his busy social life:

“I hate being alone. That’s why I like being with my friends: we’ve got energy, we’re social as hell. I’m not 30 or anything — I’m 19.”

On being treated like a child:

“Some of that shit is so lame. I push this ‘king of the teens’ shit, but they be thinking teens like 13. On some super corny, under-underage shit. It happens all the time.”

On the unique artist and manager relationship he has with Coach K:

“It makes things pretty one-sided sometimes. Like, technically the manager works for the artist. What the artist says goes. But I know Coach always has the best intentions, so sometimes he just tells me what to do. And I don’t really have any say. I mean, I have a say so, but for the most part I don’t really care to say anything.”
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