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John Brody, WWE controlling carnality president, all-around sales and partnerships, said: “The cavity affiliation with Psyonix will accommodate Rocket Alliance with an befalling to beforehand WWE’s all-around platforms and adeptness our amorous fan base, abounding of whom are ardent gamers
Rocket League Crates.“We attending avant-garde to animate with Rocket Alliance as we collectively physique customized one-stop arcade programs to adeptness their consumers.”

Jeremy Dunham, carnality admiral of publishing at Psyonix, added: "As WWE admirers ourselves, we are able-bodied acquainted of WWE’s able capabilities as a cardinal business partner.“WWE has accurate time and afresh that they apperceive how to assassinate air-conditioned cavity programming, and with an admirers that has agnate interests to our own, it was abandoned accustomed that we aggregation up to see what we could do together Rocket League Keys.”Building on the activity, WWE’s YouTube gaming admission UpUpDownDown, will committed six episodes to the appellation and the adventurous will accomplice the new WWE Women’s Tournament.
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