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..... Australian Property Network. It's All About Property!

Posted: 2018-06-28 14:00:00


What's made the news this week? 

Keiran and Kevin catch up to discuss the stories that grabbed their attention this week.

1. A whole town for sale
Fancy being king or queen of your own burgher, with fishing and forests at your doorstep and clean air?  It can be all yours – all 16 houses – for $500,000... READ MORE

2. Where homes earn more than owners
While most of us have a good idea of what our property is worth, when you crunch the numbers, you may be surprised by how much money your suburb’s median price grows in value per year.  So, did your property earn more than you?... READ MORE

3. First home buyers fail basic property test
The majority of hopeful first-home buyers do not know what lenders’ mortgage insurance covers, do not understand what conveyancing means and are not aware there is no cooling off period when buying property at auction... READ MORE

4. Brisbane no longer the bridesmaid  
After years of slow and steady, Brisbane’s housing market is finally about to speed up, leaving its southern counterparts behind in the property race... READ MORE


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