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Posted: Thu, 23 Feb 2017 06:59:02 GMT

Eliza Curby fell pregnant with twins six weeks after giving birth.

LAST year was a big one for Eliza Curby and her partner Ben.

In January she had their first child Charlie. Six weeks later she found out she was pregnant again — with identical twins — and in December, baby boys Jack and Wolfe entered the world.

That’s three babies in one year — or 11 months to be exact.

“I still can’t believe it, the 27-year-old northern beaches woman told

“We fell pregnant with our first, Charlie, three months after we started dating!

“Ben had always been super keen to become a father so we were over the moon at the thought of creating our own little family.

“I say little as Ben’s idea of a family included two children — very nuclear indeed — I, on the other hand have always been set on having as many children as I can — nothing excites me more than the thought of walking through our local streets of Mona Vale with my own little clan.

“Needless to say the decision was taken out of his hands — I win,” she laughed.

Eliza in hospital with the twins.

Eliza in hospital with the twins.Source:Supplied

Ms Curby said while the first six weeks of having a baby were always the hardest, she remembers feeling particularly exhausted after having Charlie.

“My mum always said it takes six full weeks to come up for air!” she said.

“I was exhausted trying to figure out the ins and outs of being a mum, but about a month after having Charlie though I felt really, super exhausted.

“Everyone told me it was sleep deprivation catching up with me but I was not convinced — I remember looking at Ben and saying ‘I think I’m pregnant’.

“He just laughed.”

Still not convinced, she decided to take a pregnancy test, which was negative.

“And over the course of about two weeks it took four tests to get the verdict — I was pregnant.”

So off they went to the doctor, who sent the stunned couple for an ultrasound.

“The technician seemed awkward and uncomfortable, before he finally said … ‘look it’s early days … but … I think there’s two’,” Ms Curby said.

“And it turns out there was!

“I was so scared but secretly super excited — I think everyone has a secret desire for identical twins.”

Eliza out and about with her three kids.

Eliza out and about with her three kids.Source:Supplied

While both had fraternal twins in their families, neither had identical — until now.

“Emotionally it took me about two months and somewhere around 2000 Google ‘twin pregnant stomach’ images to come to terms with the news,” she said.

“I just didn’t think about it too much — as that made me nervous thinking about the ‘how’.

“I remember looking up ‘three under one’ on Google and getting no results and thinking — s**t.

“So I just lived in a pleasant denial until I was too large to pretend anymore — and man was I large.

“I was a whopping 35kg heavier than my pre babies 55kg frame.

“My poor body hadn’t even had a chance to recover after the first!”

Eliza pictured when she was pregnant with the twins.

Eliza pictured when she was pregnant with the twins.Source:Supplied

“I was however lucky to have a problem free pregnancy. Both boys made it to over 36 weeks, which was the goal, and passed the 3kg mark.”

In terms of logistics, three under one means having three of everything — capsules, high chairs, baby carriers, cots — and a new car.

“I used to drive a Swift,” she laughed.

“But three baby capsules won’t fit across most of the biggest five seater cars, so off we went car shopping, and I now drive a van — a big mamma VW van.

“We were lucky that our pram had the option for an extra seat to be attached so the twins now have full reign over the pram, and poor Charlie who can’t walk yet — gets nothing!

“I do feel like I have triplets — Irish triplets I believe they call them.

“So far Charlie thinks they are pretty fab.

“Her hobbies include head butting them in an attempt to ‘give them a kiss’ — trying to poke their eyes out, sticking her grubby little fingers in their mouths and just generally trying to attack them anytime I turn my head.”

Charlie is stoked with her twin brothers.

Charlie is stoked with her twin brothers.Source:Supplied

Now, with a one-year-old and two eight-week-olds, the family goes through about 20 nappies a day — that’s 140 a week.

“I express at the moment — as the whole twin breastfeeding thing is impossible with a one-year-old crawling on you,” Ms Curby said.

“I express up to eight times a day and the twins feed approximately six times a day and have 150ml a feed.”

In all her spare time, Ms Curby has written a blog about her experiences called Twingenuity, in which she recalls being so tired she washed her hair with face wash, pumped without attaching the bottles and picked up the kids from day care — but left one behind, which her partner had to go back for.

“No I don’t know what day it is,” she wrote.

“No I don’t know which of my identical twins I just fed.

“No I probably couldn’t spell my name right now.

“But I am here, and I am functioning.


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